JTD Typewriter №3: Enfilade Variable and the end of social media

If you’re joining us over here from Instagram, welcome! If you aren’t, we recently announced that we are no longer using most social media. If you want to know why, read on, otherwise, skip to the next section to see what’s new and what’s upcoming!
Deciding to step away wasn’t an easy choice but, after looking at the facts, we made the choice for the following reasons: Social media is a drain on “content producers.” It’s mentally exhausting and stressful to try and come up with “content.” This effort takes away from time and energy that can be better spent focusing on the core of our business: making type and helping our clients. To that end, we’re not animators, actors, or voiceover artists; we’re type designers.
I’ve never been convinced that the time spent doing any of that work for the likes of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok has truly made a difference in our business. I’m sure that their work in convincing all of us that it’s important has helped all of those companies. As time goes on, that effort seems less and less reciprocal.
NEWEST RELEASE: Enfilade Variable

Still over at FutureFonts, Enfilade now has 16 styles and a variable font version. The variable font doesn’t yet include the Tiny optical size, as it has so many ink traps and optical adjustments that prevent it from properly interpolating. Eventually, it’ll be included.
I almost forgot to mention that we made the trial versions of Enfilade available. So head over to FutureFonts and test it out.

BEHIND THE SCENES: What was once Sedlec

A few issues ago, we shared Rachel’s first release which was called Sedlec. It’s based on a Soviet-era copy of Futura and we’re still putting the finishing touches on it. While that’s going on, we’ve decided it has to be renamed; Storm Type’s work for the Sedlec Cathedral, while a custom font (and potentially not named Sedlec), is too close to the source for us to consider keeping the name. If you have any good ideas, let us know!
Late last year a new coffee shop opened in my neighborhood; it’s half coffee and half skateboard shop. Working there off and on over the past several months, I slowly rekindled my interest in skating. That meant I had to build up a board. During my research into parts (it had been 20 years since I last stepped on a board), I came across Thunder Trucks using Transducer all over their branding!

That coffee shop I mentioned above? They commissioned a little piece of lettering that’s going to go on some hats that will hopefully be in stock by Halloween.

They wanted something that looked like a ’50s horror movie, and had a curve to it. This is what we came up with.
The JTD Typewriter is the only place to get the latest news about Philadelphia’s Award-Losing Type Foundry, JTD Type.